We Are ONE World -
Let There BE Love

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Greetings in the name of Almighty God whose name is Yahweh, and in the name of His son the Lord of the Cosmos whose name is Jesus and the bonds of spiritual fellowship we have by our baptism of holy spirit.

OUR World:  A Message from OUR Charlize Theron @ Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project and Mpilonhle :

The logo of Wordlight Fellowship USA, Inc reflects we are neither Jew or Gentile.  We are members in particular of The Church literally by our baptism of holy spirit.

The moment we believe God has raised His son from the dead and we 

            Confess Jesus is Lord

We receive spiritual life by our baptism of holy spirit.  This spiritual birth of holy spirit within us unites us with Yahweh Almighty God, His son Jesus the Messiah and Lord of the Cosmos and with one another as members of The Church no matter where in the world you live.

Who Owns Your Heart??? 

An Amazing Song by Miley Ray Cyrus:  "Who Owns My Heart" I want to point out that as members of The Church of His Body - Jesus our Lord we are truly God's Masterpiece by our baptism of holy spirit.

A little about ME @ My Net Profile

The FAITH is our light in this world under the darkness and oppression of the Adversary whose name is Lucifer aka Satan aka the Devil aka Dark Angel.

The Wordlight Research Fellowship is committed to the light of THE FAITH as revealed by Yahweh.  His Word is of spiritual origin from Him.

Yahweh is revealed in His word to be Almighty God.  Yahweh is Spirit and He is Eternal.  Yahweh is the only Spirit in the universe outside of us.  Yahweh is the ONE Eternal Spirit.  There is no other Eternal Spirit.
The light of His word reveals Yahweh alone is the ONE True God.

Yahweh has rescued us from the power of Darkness aka Satan through His only son born of the flesh of his mother Mary.  It is through His son Jesus that we have received baptism of holy spirit.

This baptism of holy spirit is the promised holy spirit sent on the Jewish festival Pentecost.  This baptism of holy spirit on this particular day confirmed Yahweh has appointed His son Jesus both the Messiah & Lord.

We celebrate Pentecost as the birthday of The Church.  This day of Pentecost is vital to our understanding of THE FAITH, i.e. Jesus was born of God His Father, Jesus was faithful to the light of the Old Testament and he sacrificed his life to ratify the New Covenant with his pure blood, God his Father raised him from the dead and he ascended to the right hand of Almighty God his God and Father and our God and Father

Wordlight Fellowship is committed to the light of the Gospel of Jesus that once we believe God his Father raised His son Jesus from the dead and we Confess Jesus is Lord, meaning Lord of the Cosmos, we are baptized with holy spirit and given everlasting life by GRACE.

Once we Confess Jesus is Lord we receive everlasting life in the age to come and spiritual fellowship with God and Jesus in this life by our baptism of holy spirit by grace.  This gift of holy spirit by grace is a new creation within us.  The Apostle Paul says that by this baptism of holy spirit God has put His love in our heart.  Romans 5:5. 

We receive this holy spirit right at the moment we make our confession Jesus is Lord.  We do not have to ask for it or wait for it.  We receive this holy spirit by grace.

The Word of God reveals the Messiah is the focus of The Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.

The Apostle Paul admonishes each one of us to


The Wordlight Research Fellowship through Biblical Research is faithful to the light of THE FAITH as revealed to us in the written word.  We do not ignore facts or contradict God who is the Author of His Word.  We do not engage in mysticism because we do not see any mysticism given us by God.  We do not ask you to believe anything based on blind faith.  We ask you to believe only what God has revealed to mankind through His written word.

We who are faithful to the Word as received by us from God are dedicated to the light of our baptism of holy spirit which makes us the righteousness of God and gives us spiritual fellowship with Yahweh Almighty God, His son Jesus the Messiah & Lord of the Cosmos and with one another.
Our goal as believers of THE FAITH is to walk in the spirit by the light of the 9 manifestations and 9 fruit of our holy spirit within us.

Wordlight Fellowship encourages all to walk in the spirit and endeavor to be faithful ambassadors and ministers of the Lord Jesus with integrity, love and courage.

The Wordlight Research Fellowship goes beyond the written word in English.  The Wordlight Research Fellowship endeavors to provide critical exegesis of the languages of the Bible.  We use tools such as a lexicon, a concordance and online research software.

We are committed to the light Yahweh alone is Almighty God.
Yahweh is the ONE Eternal Spirit and He is indivisible.

Yahweh has created the cosmos, the heavens and earth and humans to inhabit the earth. Psalms 24

Yahweh had spiritual fellowship with Adam and Eve.

The Adversary of Yahweh usurped their relationship with Yahweh.

The result is that all mankind is born in estrangement with Yahweh.

Yahweh created a plan to bring about our spiritual fellowship with Him just like Adam and Eve had spiritual fellowship with Him.

Yahweh by His power created seed in Mary the mother of the Messiah of God.  Mary conceived the Messiah and gave birth to the Messiah and named him Jesus as she had been instructed.

Yahweh gave his second son the opportunity to undo the work of the Adversary and reconcile all to Yahweh.

Jesus was faithful to his Father Yahweh and faithful to the light of THE FAITH in the Old Testament in his ministry to Israel.

In order to fulfill his mission as the Lamb of God, he realized he had to die.

Jesus was faithful unto death and ratified the New Covenant with his blood.

Yahweh accepted the death of His son as a peace offering between Himself and mankind.

Yahweh then created spiritual fellowship by sending the promised spirit on the day of Pentecost in the year of the death, resurrection and ascension of His son Jesus.

The day the promised holy spirit was sent confirmed Jesus was appointed by Yahweh his Father both the Messiah & Lord of the Cosmos.

All of us whom believe the light of THE FAITH and believe Yahweh has raised His son Jesus from the dead and Confess Jesus is Lord are baptized with holy spirit.  This holy spirit is a new creation with us.  This holy spirit allows us to have spiritual fellowship with Yahweh Almighty God, His son Jesus the Messiah & Lord of the Cosmos and with one another.

We are now members in particular of The Church of His Body – Jesus commonly known as the Body of Christ by our baptism of holy spirit.

The Apostle Paul exhorts us as members of THE CHURCH to be a co-worker with Yahweh as an ambassador of His son Jesus the Messiah & Lord of the Cosmos in the Ministry of Reconciliation.

The Wordlight Research Fellowship has been establishing the integrity of the biblical texts since 1989.

The Wordlight Research Fellowship invites YOU to partake of the research provided by the Wordlight Fellowship Ambassador Institute.

This instruction helps YOU to be an informed and effective Ambassador of the Lord Jesus and enables YOU to be able to obey the command of the Apostle Paul:  Walk in the spirit by the light of the 9 manifestations and 9 fruit of holy spirit within YOU.

Wordlight Fellowship is committed to buildup leadership.  Jesus our Lord ordains members of The Church of His Body to be Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers and Pastors.

The Wordlight Research Fellowship endeavors to instruct and enlighten The Church of His Body that we are ONE Body composed of many fellowships worldwide as members in particular of the ONE Body.

We are united with the light of our Spiritual Birthright of the Armor of Light and our baptism of holy spirit.

We emphasize the commandments Love Yahweh with all your heart, strength and mind and Love ONE Another. 

We also emphasize the commandment of the Apostle Paul to walk in the spirit and keep the unity of our spiritual fellowship in the Bond of Peace.

We have the real Star Wars force within us to obey these commandments.

Yahweh has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind, meaning the holy spirit within us only hears from Yahweh and His son Jesus.  This holy spirit within us is as Jesus said is the spirit of truth.

We are equipped to be the light of the World as Ambassadors and Ministers of the Lord Jesus.

The Apostle Paul admonishes each of us to Cast off the works of Darkness and Put on the Armor of Light in our commitment to the Bonds of Fellowship – Romans 13:14.

We know from the light of the Holy Scriptures that in the course of human events since Adam, the first recorded son of God, a man by the name of Abraham established a relationship with Yahweh.

Abraham separated himself that worshipped a variety of gods by leaving his home and going in search of the ONE True God,

Abraham believed what he had been told about Adam and the promise of the Messiah.

As a consequence, Abraham is deemed to be the Father of all who believe on the Messiah of the ONE True God whose name is Yahweh.

The light of THE FAITH is that Adam and Eve were formed, made and created by Yahweh and enjoyed spiritual fellowship with Yahweh.

They compromised the integrity of their fellowship with Yahweh.

Lucifer got Adam & Eve to disobey Yahweh.

All people born since Adam & Eve are born under the dominion of Lucifer.

Adam told his progeny the prophesy of Yahweh that a Messiah would be born of the seed of a woman and he would deliver people from the bondage of Lucifer.

The light of the time of the birth of the Messiah was given to Daniel, a Prince of Israel.

In the fulness of time according to the prophecy given to Daniel, the Messiah whom Yahweh promised would be born was begotten by Yahweh when He planted seed in Mary and she conceived and gave birth to the Messiah.

Jesus was faithful unto death and secured peace with Yahweh for mankind by giving his life as a sacrifice to atone for the transgression of Adam.

This allowed Yahweh to rescue us from the oppression and Darkness of Lucifer by making available our baptism of holy spirit.

Jesus was uniquely qualified to be the Messiah of God.  Yahweh is his Father.  The fact that the blood of the child comes from the father means that Jesus had pure blood.  Jesus was the Lamb of God with pure blood.

His sacrifice legally made peace with Yahweh for mankind and secured our redemption from Lucifer aka Dark Angel and everlasting death.

Jesus died by crucifixion upon a cross, a form of death used by the Romans to shame and humiliate a person before the public.

Reformation involving all peoples of the earth occurred the day the promised holy spirit was sent and spiritual fellowship for all mankind, both Judean and Gentile, was made available by baptism of holy spirit.

This day of Reformation could not have taken place without the sacrifice of Jesus whose PURE Blood made peace with Yahweh for all mankind.

This baptism of holy spirit on the day the promised holy spirit was sent confirmed that Jesus was truly risen from dead and appointed by Yahweh Almighty God both the Messiah and Lord of the Cosmos.

The Apostle Paul who wrote The Church Epistles gives us the light that our baptism of holy spirit makes us a son of God and that as a son of God we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with His son Jesus of the promises of Yahweh, including the promises given to Abraham who was called a friend of Yahweh Almighty God.

We are given the light in The Church Epistles that in this life we are literally made members of The Church of His Body – Jesus the Lord of the Cosmos, by our baptism of holy spirit.

We are also enabled to be light as we Cast off the works of Darkness and Put on the Armor of Light which is our Spiritual Birthright.

This baptism of holy spirit giving us spiritual fellowship and the Armor of Light as described by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6, is a real demonstration of the Love of Yahweh Almighty God to us through His son Jesus.

It is our responsibility to walk in the spirit and PUT ON THE ARMOR OF LIGHT.

We do this in our endeavor to be a co-worker with Yahweh Almight God as an ambassador of His son Jesus whom He has appointed both the Messiah & Lord of the Cosmos.

The people of the Reformation in the 16th Century chose the light of THE FAITH  revealed to them by their research of the Holy Scriptures rather than remain under the oppression and in the Darkness of the Adversary of Yahweh in their lifetime.

We, members of The Church in the 21st Century, whom desire to serve the Lord Jesus in the Ministry of Reconciliation have a clear mandate to cast off the works of Darkness contrary to the written word of Yahweh Almighty God.

We are to confront with integrity, love and courage the oppression and Darkness of the Adversary.

We have received the baptism of holy spirit by grace and are able to walk in the spirit by the light of the nine manifestations and 9 fruit of our holy spirit within us.

Let us as members of The Church of His Body, in our service to Jesus work together to buildup one another and keep; literally guard, our spiritual unity established by Yahweh Almighty God thru His son Jesus by our baptism of holy spirit on the day of Pentecost.

Let us be light to cast off the oppression and Darkness of the Adversary as a co-worker with Yahweh Almighty God as an ambassador of His son Jesus whom He appointed both the Messiah & Lord of the Cosmos.

There is only ONE Gospel whereby we have spiritual fellowship with Yahweh Almighty God, His son the Lord Jesus and one another by our baptism of holy spirit by grace, and have the Armor of Light.
Galatians 1: 1-12 and Ephesians 6.

Glory to Yahweh Almighty God for making spiritual fellowship and everlasting life available for all mankind.  Amen.

An amazing Song by Alicia Keys:

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